Mercy: Bride of Idaho

January 26, 2016


Read an excerpt of Mercy, Bride of Idaho
American Mail-Order Brides #43

One woman bent on saving her family. One rancher determined to save his own heart. Is her love enough to save them all?

Read it FREE on Kindle Unlimited!

Mercy Eaton has come to Idaho to marry the man of her father’s choosing in order to help her family make ends meet back home. She just knows it’ll all work out. That’s what she’s told her sister and her traveling companions all the way from Massachusetts to Owyhee County, Idaho. Then she meets her groom. He’s seventy years old. She nearly faints.

Quill Roderick has no intention of marrying. Ever. As far as he’s seen, women leave—first his mother, then his great-aunt, then his first flame. Quill sees no reason to open his heart again, especially to some mail-order bride his crazy old uncle brought for him. But Mercy tempts him like no other with her unruly long red hair, sunshine smile, and the most alluring eyes he’s ever seen. Can he keep his heart barricaded from this dangerous fireball, or are her kisses the master key needed to unlock his heart to a whole new world… Love.

Mercy, Bride of Idaho links to the Hearts of Owyhee series.
#1 Much Ado About Madams
#2 Much Ado About Marshals
#3 Much Ado About Miners
#4 Much Ado About Mavericks (the heroine is a major character in Mercy, Bride of Idaho)
#5 Much Ado About Mustangs

For fun tidbits and news, sign up for Jacquie Rogers’ newsletter, the Pickle Barrel Gazette, on her website:

Interviewed by Fiona McVie

October 22, 2014

Name: Jacquie Rogers

Age: I rather think of myself as vintage.

Where are you from? I live in Seattle, Washington, USA, now but I’m from Owyhee County in Idaho, and a good share of my stories are set there.

A little about your self; i.e., your education, family life, etc.

I grew up in Owyhee County, Idaho, where most of my books are set.  The Old West still lives on there, and it was great fun to ride horses all over the hills with my friends.  But my favorite thing to do then and now was read.  My husband and in live in the big city now.  I miss my old stomping grounds, but I enjoy Seattle, too.  Writing has brought me many friends, most of whom I’ve never met in person, but they are dear to me just the same.

Fiona: Tell us your latest news?

Jacquie:  I have two recent releases.  The first is a western historical romance duet with Caroline Clemmons titled Mail-Order Tangle.  She wrote the first book, Mail-Order Promise, and I wrote the second, Mail-Order Ruckus.  You can read more about it at the Mail-Order Tangle blog.

The other release is my short story, Have Wand – Will Travel, in Cowboys, Creatures, and Calico, Volume 2.  This is a crazy-fun story that’s a mash-up of Have Gun – Will Travel, Narnia, and The Princess Bride.  The other stories in this anthology are excellent reading, too, and they’re a wonderful bunch of authors.  I wrote about my story at the Prairie Rose Publications blog.

Fiona: When and why did you begin writing?

Jacquie: I started writing in 1996 for lack of anything else to do (I was sick) and have been at it ever since.  Before that, I’d never given a single thought to being a writer.

Fiona: When did you first consider yourself a writer?

Jacquie: It sort of came gradually.  Probably the first rejection started me thinking I could be a writer, because it was very encouraging.

Fiona: What inspired you to write your first book?

Jacquie:  I dreamed it.  That book will never see the light of day.  It’s my learning book.  But I still love the characters and the story.  It’s a time-travel to the future and is somewhat of a mash-up of later movies: Fifth Element, Firefly, and Cowboys and Aliens.

Fiona: Do you have a specific writing style?

Jacquie:  All my stories are fast-paced and lighthearted.  There are no messages.  I love braincandy so that’s what I write.

Fiona: How did you come up with the title?

Jacquie:  For Mail-Order Tangle, it was a collaborative brainstorming session with Caroline Clemmons.  Both Dickerson sisters were mail-order brides, and both encountered difficulties that neither of them were prepared to handle—a tangled up mess.  Hence, Mail-Order Tangle.

Fiona: Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

Jacquie:  Just that love will prevail.  I don’t write self-help books.

Fiona: How much of the book is realistic?

JacquieHave Wand – Will Travel isn’t realistic at all.  There’s a mage, a centaur-horse-unicorn shifter, griffins, a giant man-eating centipede, and beavers of extraordinary size.  I don’t know about you but I’ve never seen any of those in real life. LOL.  As for Mail-Order Tangle, both books have authentic settings and the mail-order bride business boomed in the Old West.  Of course, fiction is larger than life, so while I’d say the stories are authentic and plausible, I wouldn’t call them realistic.  But then, isn’t that the fun of it all?

Fiona: Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

Jacquie:  I often include peripheral characters that are an amalgam of people I’ve known.  That’s one of the things that make storytelling so fun.  The main characters, though, are generally all from my imagination.  As for experiences, I grew up on a dairy farm in a remote area that is still very similar to the Old West, so I have a wealth of incidents that happened to me or to my friends from which I can and do draw.

Fiona: What books have most influenced your life most?

Jacquie:  More than individual books, just the act of reading obsessively shaped me more than anything.  Especially my backside, although now I can read my Kindle while on my exercise bicycle.  Yes, I have favorite books—my favorite of all time is The King Must Die by Mary Renault.  It would be interesting to re-read that book because I haven’t read it since I started writing, so I might have a different perspective after having learned the craft.

Fiona: If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?

Jacquie:  Many authors have helped me over the years.  Gerri Russell, Karen Harbaugh, Stella Cameron, Judith Laik, and my critique partners, Ann Charles and Wendy Delaney.  I’ve also learned a lot from Caroline Clemmons.  After I’d written a couple books, I read one of hers and loved it.  I analyzed that book for plot and structure, so I’ve been a fan of hers for a long time.  You can just imagine how delighted I was to work with her!

Fiona: What book are you reading now?

Jacquie:  I’m just getting ready to start Outlaw Ranger by James Reasoner.

Fiona: Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?

Jacquie:  All the time.  Isn’t that the greatest thing about the new publishing landscape?  I’ve found some really talented writers whose works would never have been published five years ago.  Two brand new authors are Kathleen Rice Adams and Kirsten Lynn, both of whom are very gifted.

Fiona: What are your current projects?

Jacquie:  I’m writing the first chapter for the sixteenth volume of Wolf Creek (all the authors write under the house name Ford Fargo), also the second story of my Muleskinners series, No Small Tempest, and the fifth book of my Hearts of Owyhee series, Much Ado About Mustangs.  Plus I have some other works in the stewpot.

Fiona: Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members.

Jacquie:  I can’t.  There isn’t just one.  I’ve been blessed with many, many people who’ve helped me every step of the way.  Currently, Western Fictioneers, Prairie Rose Publications, and dozens of friends are lending me the strength and motivation to carry on.

Fiona: Do you see writing as a career?

Jacquie:  Yes.  I want to write more books, but I can’t do that if I don’t sell books, so writing morphs into a career whether you planned it or not.  That said, being an author requires all the same tools that any other business owner needs.  Only thing is, most of us would rather be writing than marketing or bookkeeping.

Fiona: If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?

Jacquie:  Anything can be improved, but once it’s published, I get amnesia; otherwise, I’d worry it to death and that’s certainly not productive.  So I guess the answer would be no.

Fiona: Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?

Jacquie:  It just happened.  My mother wanted to be a writer and she wanted me to be one, too.  That’s why I did just about anything else.  But once I started writing, the bug bit me and here I am.

Fiona: Can you share a little of your current work with us?

Jacquie:  This is an excerpt from Mail-Order Ruckus, my story in Mail-Order Tangle.  This is where the hero, Matt Johanssen, first sees Laura Dickerson, the heroine.  Just before that, his uncle had given him a new puppy.

Mail-Order Tangle

© Copyright 2014 Caroline Clemmons and Jacquie Rogers

From Mail-Order Ruckus:

“Miss Dickerson?”  He gawked again.  “Miss Laura Dickerson?  What the hell is she doing here?”  Feeling contrite over his language, he nodded toward Helga.  “Pardon my French.”

“Yep, I was right.  Matt’s seen her up close, so he’d recognize her.”

“And you knew she was coming with the brides?”

“Inga wrote.”

Matt wondered if this was some crazy scheme of Kage’s to get him leg-shackled.  If so, it wasn’t going to work.  He vowed to have words with his cousin next time they met up, and those words might be followed by a little tap to the nose.

The short man in a green striped suit stood beside Miss Dickerson and called out an invitation to sign up.  He explained that only those men on the roster would be allowed to court the women.  Of course, it cost ten dollars to sign up.

Helga pushed him forward.  “Go ahead, Matt, sign up.”

“Not a way in the world.”  He couldn’t believe Miss Dickerson stood with a bunch of husband-hunters.  Laura was a decent, beautiful woman who’d make any man a fine wife.  She didn’t have to resort to antics such as this.  She deserved to be courted proper, not auctioned off on the balcony of the Idaho Hotel.

Warmth trailed from his heart and pooled in his waistband.

Puppy pee.

*   *   *

Fiona: Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Jacquie:  Description and transitions—all the housekeeping you have to do to get from one scene to the next.  Dialogue comes easy.  Sometimes it’s difficult to think of unique situations, or unique ways to turn ordinary situations to something usable.

Fiona: Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

Jacquie:  Caroline Clemmons is a favorite, as I already mentioned, but honestly, I can’t pick just one.  There are so many who have amazing bodies of work.  Robert Randisi has written over 700 books and they’re all good; James Reasoner has written over 300 and they’re all good.  I can’t even whittle it down to my top ten.  Top fifty might be doable.

Fiona: Do you have to travel much concerning your book(s)?

Jacquie:  Not really.  Most of my books are set in Owyhee County, Idaho, and I go back there as often as I can.  Sleight of Heart was set in Colorado where I rode the narrow-gauge steam train from Silverton to Durango, which plays heavily in the book.  But I’ve written others that were set in places I’ve never been.  Google Earth helps a lot.

Fiona: Who designed the covers?

Jacquie:  Dar Albert designed the cover for MAIL-ORDER TANGLE.  Livia Washburn Reasoner designed the cover for Cowboys, Creatures, and Calico (both volumes).

Fiona: What was the hardest part of writing your book?

Jacquie:  The grind.  I love dreaming up the characters and the situation.  Plotting is fun.  But writing a book is a marathon and I have a short attention span.  It’s really hard to stay on task when there are so many other stories that are waiting to be fleshed out.

Fiona: Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?

Jacquie:  I always learn something from every book, novella, or short story because I do a lot of research.  History books tell you about battles and politics, but they’re sorely lacking on daily life.  What does an average farmer do from dawn to dusk?  I grew up on a farm so I already knew that, but it’s an example.  In Much Ado About Marshals, I learned quite a lot about patent medicines.  In Much Ado About Madams, I researched Old West brothels.  For Sleight of Heart, I had to learn about poker in 1883—the rules were different then, and so were the cards.  The mail-order bride business wasn’t straightforward, either.  There were many different schemes and I had to find one that fit.  In every book, I learn more about the craft of writing and what works or doesn’t work for me.

Fiona: Do you have any advice for other writers?

Jacquie:  I used to have a lot of advice but the more I write, the less advice I have to give.  Writers need to read, though.  That’s the one thing that gets shoved by the wayside when you’re so busy writing your own stories.

Fiona: Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Jacquie:  First and foremost, thank you!  And thank you, Fiona, for hosting me today.

Fiona: Do you remember the first book you read?

Jacquie:  No, I don’t, but I was a big fan of Billy Goat Gruff.

Fiona: What makes you laugh/cry?

Jacquie:  Situational humor and double entendres make me laugh.  Sentimental things make me cry.

Fiona: Is there one person past or present you would like to meet and why?

Jacquie:  I’d like to meet my ancestor, Gamellus de Alsop, who was given the township of Alsop-en-le-Dale in Derbyshire by one of William’s nobles, Henry de Ferrers.  Gamellus fought in the Battle of Hastings and it would be intriguing to listen to his story.

Fiona: What do you want written on your head stone and why?

Jacquie:  She made us laugh.

Fiona: Other than writing do you have any hobbies?

Jacquie:  I like to watch baseball and rodeo.  I also like work Sudoku puzzles, and of course, I love reading.

Fiona: What TV shows/films do you enjoy watching?

Jacquie:  I don’t watch TV—can’t abide all the commercials.  Besides, if I like a series, it’s a sure-fire indication that the show will be cancelled.  Favorite films are Apple Dumpling Gang, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Blazing Saddles, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, The Outlaw Josey Wales—mostly westerns and romcoms.

Fiona: Favorite foods / Colors/ Music

Jacquie:  Strawberry shortcake/ jewel colors/ rock, country

Fiona: If you were not a writer what else would you like to have done?

Jacquie:  I did a lot of things before I started writing—campaign manager, deli clerk, office manager, bookkeeper, software developer, and I even milked cows.  But what I love to do is photography.


Mail-Order Tangle

Have Wand – Will Travel

Cowboys, Creatures, and Calico, Vol. 2

Other links:

Jacquie’s Website | Pickle Barrel Gazette | Pickle Barrel Bar & Books

Facebook | Amazon  | Pinterest | Twitter | Goodreads


Romancing The West | Jacquie Rogers, Author


Hearts of Owyhee series

Much Ado About Marshals

Much Ado About Madams

Much Ado About Mavericks

Much Ado About Miners

High Stakes Heroes series

Sleight of Heart

Short stories/novellas

Muleskinners #1: Judge Not

Don’t Go Snaring My Heart (Lassoing a Groom)

Much Ado About Misfires (Rawhide ’n Roses)

A Flare of the Heart (Hearts and Spurs)

A Gift for Rhoda (Wishing for a Cowboy)

’Twas the Fight Before Christmas (A Wolf Creek Christmas)

Single Girls Can’t Jump

Willow, Wish For Me

Non-fiction Books (with Ann Charles)

Nail It! The Secret to Building an Effective Fiction Writer’s Platform

Growing Your Audience: Workbook for Published, Unpublished, and Under-published Writers

May is Neurofibromatosis Awareness Month

February 25, 2011

Several of us (Jennifer Walsh, Laurie Smith, Jerry Willman, Mercedes Christesen, Kristi Hopkins, Scott Chester) on Facebook are planning on an internet radio show on Passionate World Radio to raise awareness for neurofibromatosis.  I’ve talked to the station owner and all systems are go.  We have guests, possibly music, and everything in line for a 2-hour show.

All we need now is $200 to buy the air timePassionate World Radio has a huge built-in audience from 150 countries, so this venue is ideal for us.  The station owner is giving us a really good deal on airtime and will help us publicize the event.

Donations can be made via PayPal. Send whatever you can, $5, $10 . . . whatever to via PayPal.  Be sure to put NF AWARENESS in the notes so she knows the money is for our show.  Any excess funds will be donated to the Children’s Tumor Foundation.

If you prefer to donate with a check or money order, please send to:

Passionate World Radio, Inc.
PO 2344
Ann Arbor, MI 48106-2344

I hope you can help out with a few dollars, and please, please, please spread the word!

Thanks so much!


Jacquie’s Website * Twitter * Facebook
Faery Special Romances * Royalties go to Children’s Tumor Foundation, ending Neurofibromatosis through Research
Coming July 2011: Much Ado About Marshals

The Seasons: Chinese Moon Festival

January 10, 2010

By Jacquie Rogers
Copyright © 2009 Jacquie Rogers

The Chinese Moon Festival is an ancient festival over 3,000 years old, and is celebrated in autumn, the 15th moon day of the month of the Chicken. It’s the night of the full moon, of abundance, the festival to honor family ties and romantic relationships. Families, even those divided by oceans, try to come together during this time. But if a family or a couple is unable to unite, separated by hundreds or thousands of miles, they can still share the moon on that night and be together.


There are four legends primarily associated with the Moon Festival: the story of the lady, Chang Er (or Chang’e); of the man, Wu Kang; of the hare, Jade Rabbit; and of the Moon Cake.

Chang Er was the wife of Hou Yi, who shot down nine of the ten suns that were scorching the earth. As a reward, Hou Yi was given the elixir of immortality for himself and his wife. When villains tried to steal it, they killed Hou Yi, and Chang Er swallowed the elixir so the bad guys wouldn’t get it. Turned immortal, she flew to the moon, where she lives to this day. There are many versions of this story, one of the nicest told on Laputan Logic, where links to several other versions are given as well.

Wu Kang‘s story is also about immortality. He was a man who sought challenges, and hopped from job to job to find new adventures, until he decided the greatest adventure of all would be immortality. He headed for the mountains to study under an immortal. Not one area of study could hold Wu Kang’s interest, though, so the immortal got frustrated and told Wu Kang to chop down the cassie tree, and he couldn’t return to earth until he did. But the cassie tree grew back to its full size if it wasn’t felled by sundown. Since the job couldn’t hold his attention, Wu Kang never did keep on task to fell the tree in one day, so to this day, he’s still on the moon, chopping on the cassie tree.

The Hare didn’t fare so well, but is well-remembered. A hungry old man needs food. A monkey, an otter, and a fox, hoping to do a good deed, each offer the man some food, but the hare, knowing he has nothing to offer but himself, throws himself into the fire and cooks himself. The old man was really a monk, and in gratitude, gave the Jade Rabbit immortality on the moon, where he serves Chang Er even now.

Moon Cakes are the newest legend of the Moon Festival. It is said that in the 14th Century, when the Chinese were ruled by the Mongols and assembly was illegal, that those who fomented revolution passed their plans and instructions to the people inside moon cakes. On the night of the festival, the people revolted and thus began the Ming Dynasty.


The festival is at harvest time, a time of bounty, and celebrated by a family feast similar in spirit to the modern Thanksgivings of Canada and the USA. Moon cakes, filled with bean paste, meat, lotus seeds, or a few other popular foods, are both given and traded. It’s a time filled with joy. and the children love getting to stay up until the wee hours during the lantern parade–and are especially delighted if they get to carry a lantern in it.

I’m using the Chinese Moon Festival as a ticking clock in my novella, “Faery Hot Dragon.” It’s a time for lovers to sit on hilltops gazing a the moon. And perhaps other things. A perfect opportunity for a romance novel!

Whatever the season, have a happy one!


Down Home Ever Lovin’ Mule Blues (See the Book Video featuring Justin Saragueta) * Jacquie Rogers * 1st Turning Point * Myspace * Twitter * Facebook * Faery Special Romances Book Video * Royalties go to Children’s Tumor Foundation, ending Neurofibromatosis through research.

Contest: Author Jane E. Jones

March 12, 2009

This is from my friend and sister Texty Lady, Jane E. Jones:

Hi everybody! This week I’m giving away a romance themed gift bag, with two ways to be entered to win.

All you have to do to for your chance to win is buy a copy of Puppy Love, or post this contest on your blog, myspace, facebook, etc. If you buy a book AND blog this contest, you’ll get two entries.

If you buy the book, just email a copy of your purchase receipt to janejane07 @ gmail . com (take out the spaces). If you blog the contest, leave me the link in comments. That’s it! You’ll then be
entered to win a gift bag full of goodies:

Four DVD movies-The Phantom of the Opera (Gerard Butler), Music and Lyrics (Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore), The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (Ernie Lively), and Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (Sandra Bullock).

An adorable furry stuffed animal

Sweet Treats-Chocolate, anyone?

A scented candle

Two bags of microwave popcorn-to munch while you watch the movies :)

A cute little striped notebook

A Pair of fuzzy socks

And maybe a couple other extras that I pick up along the way.

The contest ends March 23 at midnight EST time; I’ll announce a winner on Tuesday, March 24.

To buy Puppy Love, click here.

Good luck! ~Jane

Book Talk Interview & Contest!

December 27, 2008

Book Talk with J & J


Jacquie Rogers

author of

Down Home Ever Lovin’ Mule Blues


Faery Special Romances

When: 9:00AM Saturday, December 27th


Commenters are eligible to win cool prizes!

Happy New Year!


Down Home Ever Lovin’ Mule Blues (See the Book Video featuring Justin Saragueta)

Down Home Ever Lovin' Mule Blues

Jacquie Rogers *** Myspace *** Twitter *** Facebook
Faery Special Romances *** Book Video

Royalties go to Children’s Tumor Foundation,
ending Neurofibromatosis through Research

Princess Keely, Star of Faery Special Romances

Win a Book from The Romance Studio!

December 20, 2008

You could win a copy of

Faery Special Romances

at The Romance Studio Book-a-Day Giveaway!

Just visit during the day, Dec. 21, and complete the form.

Faery Special Romances by Jacquie Rogers

Good Luck!!!

Down Home Ever Lovin’ Mule Blues (See the Book Video)

Down Home Ever Lovin' Mule Blues

Jacquie Rogers *** Myspace *** Twitter *** Facebook

Faery Special Romances *** Book Video
Royalties go to Children’s Tumor Foundation,
ending Neurofibromatosis through Research

Princess Keely, Star of Faery Special Romances

Yule Brings Festivities to All!

December 20, 2008

By Jacquie Rogers

Yule Brings Celebration For All

snow blows nearly sideways as it blankets the range. Ranch hands hunker
down in their saddles, scarves over their ears and their Stetsons
protecting them from the fierce wind. They dream of a warm fire and hot
buttered rum. But they have livestock to save from freezing and
starvation, so they ride on.

It’s Christmas on
the open range. Miserable for man and beast. But it isn’t just another
day at the office, so to speak. They whittle gifts for one another,
sing a few carols as they sit around the campfire warming their hands
and feet. Cook gives them a hot meal–the finest beans with maybe some
meat thrown in. And with a little luck, Cook would bake an apple pie.
Life couldn’t be better and they thank their lucky stars for a sound
horse and solid tack.

(Yes, I know these cattle are a modern breed and very fat, but it’s the only picture I could find.)

Chanukkah in the mines

It’s the 1860’s in Silver City, Idaho.
The Festival of Lights has been celebrated in the West since the
beginning of frontier settlement, but not like their counterparts back
East who have a warm and dry place to worship with their families. A
menorah can be lit anywhere, and the Jewish silver miners do just that.
They pray, play a little dreidel, and think a lot of home.

picture to the left is the oldest continuously used synagogue west of
the Mississippi. It’s located in Boise, Idaho, and was built in 1896 by
the Beth Israel congregation, now called the Ahavath Beth Israel congregation. Very beautiful.

Christmas on the farm

has chores to do every day. Cows needs milked, livestock needs watered
and fed, eggs need gathered, and the barnyard needs to be tidied (to
use a gentile term). So after the chores are done, the family can
gather together and celebrate Christmas
with what meager resources they have. If they don’t have evergreen
trees to spare, they might decorate a sagebrush with popcorn and
berries. They make ornaments with precious bits of paper and scraps of
cloth. Peach tins make nice ornaments, too, and they shine in the

1876 Christmas, Harper’s Weekly

celebration might be more humble than those in the eastern cities, but
they have a grand time, nevertheless. The women cook for days. They’re
resourceful and whatever they have available will do for a fine pie or
stew. The Christmas feast could consist of chicken, venison, or maybe a
ham, along with homemade rolls, freshly churned butter, potatoes and
gravy, and pies–maybe one made with dried apples and a vinegar pie.
Each family member has made modest gifts for the others and even the
smallest child has labored over precious gifts–maybe a drawing or a
doll made of sticks. They sing carols, maybe read the Bible, and if
they’re close enough to town, maybe even go to church.

For most
Christian families, Christmas is a day for family togetherness and to
show their love and appreciation for one another, as well as
celebrating the religious aspect of the holy day.

Christmas for Outlaws, Gunslingers, and Cyprians

saloon owner brings small gifts for the working ladies, the bartender,
the resident gambler, and a few of the regulars. A few cowpunchers
bring gifts for their favorite girl. They might have a nice meal
together before they open for business, and even then, the customers
are few. It’s one night they can relax.

Happy Holidays to Everyone!


Enter the IWOFA Winter Holiday Contest.  Lots of great prizes and it’s fun!


Down Home
Ever Lovin’ Mule Blues
(See the Book Video)

Jacquie Rogers *** Myspace *** Twitter *** Facebook

Princess Keely, Star of Faery Special Romances

Special Romances
*** Book Video

go to Children’s Tumor Foundation, ending
Neurofibromatosis through Research

Contest at Crystal’s, plus Interview!

December 15, 2008

Author Interviews

by Crystal Adkins

of Book Reviews by Crystal

Crystal Adkins reviewed Down Home Ever Lovin’ Mule Blues (read
her review
) and then invited me to her Author
Interviews blog
. Thank you, Crystal!

There are two groups of prizes
so please come visit and enter to win. I’d love to hear from

See You There!

Down Home Ever Lovin’ Mule
(See the Book

Down Home Ever Lovin' Mule Blues

Jacquie Rogers
*** Myspace *** Twitter *** Facebook
Special Romances
*** Book Video
go to Children’s Tumor Foundation, ending
Neurofibromatosis through Research

Princess Keely, Star of Faery Special Romances

Let’s Rodeo!

December 4, 2008

Bullrider Pictures, Images and Photos Let’s Rodeo!

A Nez Perce named Waaya-Tonah-Toesits-Kahn was one of the greatest saddle bronc riders and defined the sport. An African-American named Bill Pickett invented bulldogging, now called steer wrestling. And women competed head-on with men, and won.

I posted an article on Unusual Historicals about the History of Rodeo called Let’s Rodeo!

Or go to Unusual Historicals at

and scroll down until you see it.



Down Home Ever Lovin’ Mule Blues (See the Book Video)

Down Home Ever Lovin' Mule Blues

Jacquie Rogers *** Myspace *** Twitter *** Facebook

Faery Special Romances *** Book Video

Royalties go to Children’s Tumor Foundation,
ending Neurofibromatosis through Research

Princess Keely, Star of Faery Special Romances